Inktober #8 Star I am Not a Nigger

Inktober #8 Star by Warren Stokes

This piece was one of the hardest drawings I ever completed.  For those of you who know don’t know Im a substitute teacher.

Well the prompt was star and I drew a star in the middle. I was happily subbing a high school art class ironically and we were all working. A student was on the phone taking a call and I asked him to get off. He said he did but stayed on the phone.

When I asked him again he laid his head dead and ignored me. I tapped him on the shoulder and he screamed “Don’t touch me you dumb ass nigger.” I was blown away and wanted to put hand on him. I walked away, kicked him out (which actually took security because he refused to leave) and began to draw this.

I was angry and kinda of blacked out drawing this piece. I’m proud of this piece because it was what art was meant to do help heal! I can honestly say that the experience has made me question teaching. Wish me luck!